Friday, November 18, 2011

An update...finally

It has been 4 weeks now since my surgery. Recovery is good, not as fast as  would like but I have learned to be patient. I am still very tired and have some pain & discomfort around the incision. Would love to sleep on my right side.
Today was my followup appointment with my surgeon Dr Finelli and the first with my oncologist Dr Jennifer Knox. As far as the surgery goes it was a success, no cancer in that area, but it is important to begin the drug therapy immediately to fight the secondary lesions still there. I was hoping for a little more time so that I could start the drugs feeling 100% but certainly understand the urgency and while frightened of what lies ahead, I am also anxious to start the therapy.
My way of battling this disease is to keep it in separate compartments in my mind and only deal with one at a time. I have managed to get thru the first two.
1. The diagnosis, the disbelief and coming to terms  (as best you can) with it and realizing your only option is to fight with all your heart and soul.
2. The surgery and recovery, something I never would like to experience again.
YAY!, done and behind me!
And now on to compartment 3, the drug therapy, the one that frightens me the most. I have now been made fully aware of the side effects that I could experience over the next 18 weeks and I am not looking forward to any of it. I won't share any of the unpleasant details. The side effects are very common and likely to affect more than 10 in every 100 people. My hope is that I will be one of the lucky ones who suffer the least amount of discomfort.  The drugs that I will be taking are expensive as they are still patented by the drug company.  I can think of a million other things I would rather spend $8000.00 per month on but I feel pretty lucky that I live in Canada so that this cost of covered.  I know I will get thru the next 18 weeks with the help of my amazing family that have been so supportive through this entire experience.
Wish me luck thru the next stage of my battle with this terrible disease.  
Here is a photo of us at PMH after our appointment and waiting for the meds.

Wish we could have posted something a bit more humorous or uplifting today...but we gotta be honest, there wasn't much to smile about today.  We did get some nice warm fuzzy socks from New Zealand last week to keep our tootsies warm over the winter and we had some fun taking photos of us wearing them...will post those in our next blog.

Much love.  Always.  Nancy, Keryn and family.

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