Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Post From Auntie Susie...

A very wise woman told me, love your children,
tell them they are smart, beautiful, important and the world is their oyster.
That is one of the many pearls of wisdom Nancy has taught me.
As our incredibly hopeful, heartbreaking, sad and very scary journey continues
I have witnesses what smart, beautiful, brilliant, devoted and loving children my sister has given us.
I lovingly watch with admiration as Keryn and Ryan never leave their mum's side day or night.
Keryn, who we fondly refer to as Nurse Cratchet is really the angel nurse knowing
what Nance needs even before she asks for anything.  A gentle hug, words of encouragement,
a warm facecloth, a silly story, a snuggle, a liaison or just Keryn being Keryn.
Loving, kind, thoughtful, strong, funny, in charge and above all,
she expresses a kind of love and commitment only a very special daughter has with her mom.
Our dear sweet boy Ryan, he is our rock, slow and steady wins the race.
He is kind and loving but tough when he needs to be.
He works with Nance to build up her legs so we can run, not walk out of the hospital.
He stays all night and watches over her while she sleeps and assures Nancy that
Keryn knows what to do and so does he.
Although Ryan is our quiet boy, his heart speaks volumes about the love and commitment he has for his mom.
I love Keryn and Ryan with all my heart and I am proud to be Auntie Susie.
And here is the bud of the bud in this tree called life.
Nancy is proudest to be a Mom who is loved unconditionally by two of the most amazing,
smart, beautiful and important kids, Keryn and Ryan

Love you (Nancy)
Love you More (Keryn and Ryan)
Not Possible (Nancy)

Auntie Suz 

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful Susie. Your family has many gifts, expressing your feelings so eloquently is one of them. What a privilege it is to witness the love and support of your family. Thank you for sharing such personal stuff. You are as good a sister as Keryn and Ryan are children to our dear Nancy. Always in my prayers.
