The expression “everything happens for a reason” annoys and upsets some people because it suggests that our path is predetermined and that The Fates or God is in charge of our life. The idea that my beautiful, perfect, angelic mum is terminally ill with cancer, is meant-to-be is frustrating and unfair; but the reality of it is that we have no control over our outside world. So I choose to think “in everything I have to find my own reason”. Instead of asking “why did this happen to me?” I ask myself “What positive thing can I find in this?” By focusing on the positive of any situation (and trust me if you look hard enough you’ll find it) I help keep myself positive and happy.
I still remember what the lady at Wellspring said to me when we went into to get some help after mum's initial diagnosis. I told her that I was upset because this massive unfairness in our lives has changed me indefinitely and that I would never be the same again. She told me that we have not changed as a family nor have we changed as people...we are still the exact same as we were before all of this entered our life...the only thing that has changed has been oursituation...I wasn't planning on sharing this picture but it's just how we felt at the time. We've had lots of laughs since this time....
The good wouldn’t be as sweet without the bitterness of the bad. You go through the tough times to strengthen you for the excruciating ones to come. It’s in experiencing these tough times where you will truly be able to live with gratitude for what you have that is good.
“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.”
~Bob Marley